Change Subscribing Teacher's Details (Profile)


Last Update 2 years ago

To change the subscribing teacher's details, please first follow this article to access the subscription section: Accessing Subscription Section.

Navigate to the "Membership & Billing" section. Here you will see the options to change your name and request a change of email address.

Change Subscribing Teacher's Name

Click "Change name" to edit the subscribing teacher's first and last name. Computing Lab uses this information to send you personalized messages.

A pop-up will open, allowing you to enter a first and last name. Please fill in both fields to continue, even if you are just updating one.

Click "Submit" to save changes. You can see your changes reflected in the "Membership & Billing" section.

Change Subscribing Teacher's Email

You can request your email be changed in the "Membership & Billing" section.

Click "Request email change" to start. A pop-up will open asking for you to enter your new email address.

Enter your email address and click "Submit". This will now be submitted for review.

Please Note: Your email address will not be changed right away. We will review the change and update your account once it is approved.

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